

I'm all about honesty and simplicity. The world is complicated enough without me adding another layer of complication, although my mind has a tendency to complicate things in its own little world!

What you see is what you get. I don’t like to shout, preferring to work quietly and diligently in the background enabling and facilitating. I’m quiet through a lack of confidence, not because I have nothing to say, and I value those who recognise this rather than just listen to the loudest in the room.

I have something called Kallmann syndrome which makes me fairly unique because just I am one in about 50,000 people who do. It took many years before I could put a label on the condition and know exactly what it was, and even now, when mentioning it to a GP or nurse, the reaction is “what’s that, I’ve never heard of it”.

My website is essentially a home for my photography. All photographs on this website have been taken by me, myself and I alone…except where indicated! The scenery on my doorstep is a compelling reason for getting out into the fresh air and, inevitably, I take my phone with me wherever I go. I’m certainly not a prolific taker of photos, but I will be adding to the collection here as time goes by.

I also create websites and blog (very infrequently).